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27 Sept 2011

Fitness and Weight Loss : Running (Part I)

Heyyy Girls!!!
Fitness for me is a way of life. I believe that just as we eat, sleep, work and entertain ourselves, fitness should also be a part of our lives. Hence, I make it a point to work out at least 5-6 times/week. It may seem too many days to some but working out is so addictive and exciting that once you start, there are days when taking a break from it may seem depressing. Unbelievable? It's true! Take my word for it!!
You can choose any sport or physical activity to add to your fitness regime. For those of you, who take their fitness very seriously a gym membership is a great idea, for those who get bored of the gymnasium very easily an outdoor sport or maybe a combination of both (sports and gym) would be a good option to keep things from getting monotonous. Then there are those who cannot take up rigorous work outs due to health issues or just because. For them yoga, pilates, swimming and light intensity step or water aerobics are recommended.
Me at the starting line of a 7 km. marathon conducted by my gym : Gold's Gym, Vashi                                                   

My go to activity for both fitness and weight loss has to be running. I am an avid runner who runs for reasons both physical and psychological. Running is the best way of giving the most important muscle in your body : your heart, a thorough work out. The benefits of running are numerous. Along with being the best way to achieve cardiovascular fitness, it also helps in increasing your stamina and endurance levels which are important factors when strength training. Here are a few other benefits of adding running to your fitness regime.
Group Aerobics....
..... or a beach yoga session, do make it a point to get some exercise daily

Health Benefits Of Running
  • One of the most popular benefits of running is to reduce or manage weight. It burns more calories per minute, than any other form of cardiovascular exercise. Research proves the fact that running burns an average of 100 calories per mile.
  • Running has proved to be beneficial in slowing the aging process. People, who run regularly, do not face muscle or bone loss in comparison to their counterparts.
  • Running helps to enhance the glow of the face. It promotes the human growth hormone which helps in staying young.
  • People diagnosed with osteoporosis, diabetes or hypertension, are advised to engage in running for a few miles per day.
  • Running is beneficial in reducing the risk of heart attacks, by strengthening the heart, lowering blood pressure and maintaining the elasticity of arteries.
  • Cancer patients are also advised to indulge in running as it proves to be helpful in improving their condition.
  • Regular running raises HDL (good) cholesterol, reduces the risk of blood clots and encourages use of the 50% of your lungs that usually go unused.
  • Running has positive effects on the immune system. It creates a higher concentration of lymphocytes in the blood.
Psychological Benefits
  • Running also has a positive effect on the mind of the person. It builds confidence and gives a feeling of empowerment and freedom that comes with knowing the fact that your legs and body are strong and capable.
  • We all know running reduces body weight and helps you gain a better self-image. With this, the runner also gets a boost in his/her personality and becomes more confident, than he/she ever was.
  • Running relieves a person off stress. The feeling of high that you get while striding ahead, beating past the air, refreshes the mind and the heart completely.
  • It might surprise you, but running has been used a treatment for curing clinical depression and addictions of all kinds. Patients often feel less tensed, less depressed, less fatigued and less confused after indulging in the practice of running.
  • The mind starts working fast when a person engages himself in running. While the body gets strength, the mind becomes more focused and determined.
Me after winning gold (1st. place) in the marathon

Now that you have been enlightened about the very many benefits of running as a part of your lifestyle, I'm sure your raring to know how you can start your routine as a runner. Make sure you read the second part of this post to get yourself started as a Runner for Fitness and Weight Loss benefits!

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