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23 Oct 2011

Women Vs. Acne

Heyyy Girls!!!
Today I've decided to broach a super sensitive issue with all of woman kind. Acne. I hate them with a vengeance and so do all of you. But did you know that we can make many lifestyle choices that can prevent
or even encourage acne breakouts? With this post we will bust some myths and spread awareness on how to curb acne.

This does not have to be you! Read on to know how you can get rid of acne

Acne is a skin condition that causes whiteheads, blackheads, and inflamed red growths (papules, pustules, and cysts) to form. These growths are commonly called pimples or "zits." 

Acne occurs when tiny holes on the surface of the skin, called pores, become clogged.

  • Each pore is an opening to a follicle, which contains a hair and an oil gland. These oil glands help lubricate the skin and help remove old skin cells.
  • When glands produce too much oil, the pores can become blocked. Dirt, debris, bacteria, and inflammatory cells build up. The blockage is called a plug or comedone.
  • The top of the plug may be white (whitehead) or dark (blackhead).
  • If the plug breaks open, the material inside causes swelling and red bumps to form.
  • If the inflammation is deep in your skin, the pimples may enlarge to form firm, painful cysts.
Acne is a problem of swelling and inflammation, not a problem caused by bacteria.
How Acne Occurs

Acne is most common in teenagers, but it can happen at any age, even in an infant. Three out of four teenagers have some acne. Hormonal changes probably cause increased oil in the skin. However, people in their 30s and 40s may also have acne.
Acne tends to run in families and can be triggered by:
  • Hormonal changes related to menstrual periods, pregnancy, birth control pills, or stress
  • Greasy or oily cosmetic and hair products
  • Certain drugs (such as steroids, testosterone, estrogen, and phenytoin)
  • High levels of humidity and sweating
Despite the popular belief that chocolate, nuts, and greasy foods cause acne, research does not confirm this idea. Diets high in refined sugars may be related to acne, though.
Eat healthy to get healthy skin

Now that you know what is an acne, how it occurs and what can trigger it, lets educate ourselves on how we can prevent it from starting.
  1. Systematic skin regime - Whatever your daily routine may be like, you need to set out time to cleanse, tone and moisturise your skin with products that are suitable for you. Stay away from products which have Oil or Alcohol as they leave your skin feeling dry and tight. A mild cleanser with warm, not hot water is perfect for your skin. Washing your face twice a day is sufficient even if you have oily skin, as the more you wash, the more oil it will secrete. Also when washing your face remember to be gentle all the time. No scrubbing or rubbing with loofahs or exfoliating gloves. Do not use deodorant soapx which are harsh on your inflamed skin. Always wipe your face with a soft and clean towel as towels, when moist are the breeding ground of bacteria. Toner helps to close the open pores on your face and thus prevent direct entry of dirt and bacteria in to your skin. Moisturiser is equally important. Some acne treatment creams and lotion contain ingredients that may cause your skin to dry and peel while getting rid of bacteria. A gel based moisturiser is meant for oily skin, a cream or lotion for dry skin and combination skin might need both for the dry and oily areas on your face. Some acne medications are known to increase skin's sensitivity to the sun rays.Use a sunscreen with a SPF 15 or higher at least 20 minutes before you step out.  For acne prone skin there are some non-acnegenic sunscreen's available in the market. Fact is whether you have acne or no, these simple rules apply to all.
  2. Hands Off - No matter how many times you might wash, wipe or sanitize your hands they are always dirty. Unless important avoid touching your face as unknowingly you may be transferring dirt and bacteria on your skin which may clog your pores and in turn cause breakouts. Those with long hair should keep them away from face as our hair constantly traps dirt and dust.
  3. Wipe the sweat - Those with an active lifestyle should make sure to wipe as much sweat as possible off their face during exercising with a clean towel. After work out it is important to clean the sweat and dirt off your skin as soon as possible A gentle exfoliator should be used twice a week to remove dead skin accumulation. 
  4. If its mild, its no big deal - Mild acne will clear itself in some time. Do not hit the panic button at the appearance of even a tiny one. Almost everyone at some point of time has suffered from acne. Experts believe that our emotional state is related to all aspects of our health which includes our skin. Try to keep your mind calm at all times to prevent breakouts. Stressing over a pimple is sure to cause many more.
  5. Burn acne with the calories - Yes, its true! Exercise can also help prevent acne. The list of benefits you derive from working out just got longer. Exercising not only relieves anxiety and stress, it also increases blood circulation through your body which means healthy glowing skin. Our skin is the largest organ in our body and just like your muscles it derives immense benefit from your work out.
  6.  Wrong Make up = Break outs - Hmm, this one's true too. Wearing the wrong kind of make up is an open invitation to acne. Those with oily skin should stick to oil free and or water based make up. Avoid wearing a whole lot of make up when you have acne as it may trigger it further. If you have to, remember to cleanse and wash you face as soon as you get back home. Sleeping with your make up on is possibly the worst thing you can do for your skin. Avoid make up which contains too many chemicals and dye if you suffer from chronic acne.  Remember to read the ingredient list on all your cosmetics before you buy them.
  7. Diet to the rescue - Eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, fish and poultry is the key to good healthy skin. Avoid greasy, heavy food and junk items. Though there's no proof that chocolate and chips can cause acne, avoid them as a general rule for healthy skin and a slim waist. Excessive salt intake should be stopped. Drink 7-8 glasses of water ever day to flush out toxins from within and get well hydrated clear skin.
  8. Self treatment is a big NO - Please spare you skin of any further trauma. It's already sad at the bad treatment its received at you hands, putting some vinegar or garlic or tooth paste may just make matters worse. Some of these may have worked years ago or even today for someone you know but trust me, it's your face and it's certainly not worth the risk or consequences.
  9. No picking, squeezing - I know you are frustrated and desperate times call for desperate measures, but squeezing or trying to manually pop your pimples will spread the bacteria further across your face. Remember to keep your hands off you face. Picking your pimples can lead to scarring your face for life. So please remember these lines next time you are about to give in to the temptation of taking matters in your hands, literally and figuratively.
  10. See a Specialist -If acne has become a permanent phenomenon in your life its time to meet a Dermatologist to analyse your skin. It is better to let the experts decided why its happening and how you can fix it. Don't get tempted to buy medication and treatments over the internet or after watching a paid preview on the television. Spend your money sensibly at a dermat's clinic. They can advise you to take some zinc supplements and use benzoyl peroxide to safely beat acne.
Do not pop your pimples. It will only cause more breakouts.

Acne is not a demon that you cannot beat. It is simply a skin condition which you can easily clear with expert guidance and by making small yet significant lifestyle changes.

See a Dermatologist to seek solutions for chronic acne problems 

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